Tuesday, June 26, 2018

Arrivederci Jim!

Yesterday, after a long battle with illness, my friend Jim Mahoney left us.
Five years ago his doctor gave him two years to live.

He grew up on the waters of Long Island Sound in Connecticut, got his first boat when he was only ten, and stepped on board a Gondola Romance boat in Newport in 1990.

For the past 25 years I've had the honor of sharing the water with him.

Our encounters were always fun, often boisterously greeting each other from one gondola to another, and I never saw him in a negative mood.
He loved the water, and the feeling must have been mutual, because his times on the boats were like nutrition for his soul (something I think a lot of gondoliers can identify with).

His presence will be sorely missed, but never forgotten.
He was a true fixture in the American gondola world.

Arrivederci Jim!
Thanks for all of your boisterous greetings.

James Mahoney
1942 - 2018


  1. You saw jim if you ever saw a Mercedes convertible with surf racks driven by an old guy. He was one of a kind.

  2. What a character! His presence will be dearly missed in the Harbor Community. Heartfelt condolences from all of your friends here at TowBoatUS Newport Beach.

    Jim, We will see you on the pond when we get there!!!

    Ben and Crew
