Thursday, July 5, 2018

Wrecks at Forte Marghera

video by Nereo Zane

One of the cool things about rowing out of the GSVVM rowing club is that Forte Marghera is just around the corner.
To truly appreciate it, you must look at it from above.
Otherwise it's just a sort of labrinth of water and land.
Forte Marghera has been many things over the centuries, 
with some structures dating back to Napoleonic occupation.
Now, it's a great place to go if you're looking for derelict boats - as evidenced by Nereo Zane's recent video.
He published the Italian language version a while back, 
then asked me to re-voice it in English, which is what you see linked above.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you so much for the great post, Greg. On July 4th I've published another video / photoshow of photos taken down the Marzenego, the other river that "embraces" the city of Mestre:
