Thursday, February 14, 2019


photo by C. Wilson Photography

Where do I begin?

For 25+ years I've been telling people that Valentine's Day is the "Superbowl of gondola cruises".  We start preparing for it in the fall and expect to row as many cruises as we physically can.
It's the busiest day of the year, surrounded by the busiest week of the year.

This year...not so much.

We were hoping that the break in the rain would hold until the 14th had passed, but it wasn't meant to be.

This Valentine's Day the gondoliers in southern California will likely see something like the above photo.

Umbrellas can mean all the difference.

And this year we've got a whole box of them - waiting to be used by any of our clients who are determined to get out on the water.

In the words of my Minnesota friend John Kerschbaum:
"If you're crazy enough to go out in this...
Then I'm crazy enough to row the boat."

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